Album #1: Wiped Out! by The Neighbourhood
Favorite Song: Cry Baby
Notes: “Wiped Out!” is your basic 2010s Tumblr album, with a few hits that hold up still today. It is an okay album, but definitely not as good as some of the Neighbourhood’s other albums such as their self-titled album. I still recommend it if you’re into that style of music.

Album #2: The Listening (Deluxe Version) by Lights
Favorite Song: Ice
Notes: This has to be my favorite album on this list, all of the music clearly comes from Lights’ heart and had great thought put into them. I absolutely enjoyed the upbeat and energizing feel that this music has. I truly puts me in a happy mood that’ll help me going through out the day. I definitely plan on listening to more of her music later on. I 100% recommend this album.

Album #3: Am I A Girl? by Poppy
Favorite Song: Iconic
Notes: I have always been intrigued by Poppy’s music due to her unusual internet presence, and her music definitely represents that too. This was by no means my favorite album ever, and I often wished that it would end quicker, but I do want to mention that I do indeed like some of Poppy’s music. This specific album just isn’t that good. I think what contributes to that is that none of the music really has emotions in it and doesn’t seemed personal, almost seems like AI was used to write some of the lyrics. That being said, I do recommend some of her earlier stuff, it’s just that this album is kind of bad.