“The Purge” created in 2013, follows the story of the Sandin family. The Sandin family are very wealthy people who choose to stay hidden away from the annual Purge, but that might not happen this year.
The best performance in this movie by far goes to Rhys Wakefield, who portrayed the leader of the purge group. His performance was the best because he was the most convincing. Being completely chill while killing and providing the family with enough horror to have PTSD for the rest of their lives truly makes him extremely creepy.
However, even with Wakefield’s great performance, I truly did not like this movie. The plot isn’t all that great, and the jumpscares, chase and death scenes are dull and easy to predict. So for that reason I only give this movie a 3/10 rating.
If you have any recommendations, feel free to email me.