Next week (Nov. 12-15) will become another spirit week full of dress up days, for students and staff to participate in, all in honor of kindness week! Each day also includes a goal, encouraging students to spread kindness to others and themselves.
Tuesday’s dress up day will be, ‘’Wear your pajamas or comfy clothes”. Be kind to yourself and give yourself time to relax. Tuesday’s goal is to spend twenty minutes doing something you find relaxing. This could be walking, reading, cuddling with a pet, etc.
Wednesday’s dress up day will be, “Wear pink, red, or hearts”. Be kind to others – treat others with a kind heart. Wednesday’s goal is to talk to someone about how they are doing. Ask if they are feeling happy, worried, tired, etc. The goal also includes looking the other person in the eye, as a symbol of care.
Thursday’s dress up day will be, “Wear camouflage, animal print, or both”. Be kind to the world – respect animals and the environment. Thursday’s goal is to pick up and gather garbage around your school, house, and neighborhood. How many pieces of trash can you pick up all together?
Friday’s dress up day will be, “Wear orange and black”. Be kind to your community – Help others in your school or town. Friday’s goal is a little more involved! Bring in a non-perishable food item OR hygiene product, to help assist and support others in the community.