Album #1: Ctrl (Deluxe) by Sza
Favorite Song: Anything
Notes: Long review made short, it’s a Sza album. I couldn’t tell you the last I disliked a Sza song or album. All the music she makes holds such amazing stories and meanings that many relate to. This is a beautiful album, and I fell in love with each and every song on here. If you want a cute but meaningful R&B album, I suggest giving this one a listen.

Album #2: Retired from Sad, New Career in Business by Mitski
Favorite Song: I Want You
Notes: Mitski’s second album, “Retired from Sad, New Career in Business,” was actually her senior project for college! This is a phenomenal album that shows off Mitski’s experiences with her mother, love life, and the challenges she faces as a mixed Japanese and American artist. This is a beautiful album with strong vocals and intense instrumentals, that when put together make an absolute work of art. I highly recommend, not only this album, but Mitski as an artist overall.

Album #3: Korn by Korn
Favorite Song: Blind
Notes: While listening to the album, I was very surprised by some of the subject matter brought up during this album. I didn’t expect this album to talk about some of the things it did. That being said, this was still a great album. I love Korn and have reviewed an album of theirs before, so I’m not surprised I enjoyed it.