Mrs. Hammel took her 4 freshman English classes to the grade school to read to the 2nd graders on Monday November 25th. Each student either worked with a partner or by themselves to make their own stories for the kids. They spent about 1-2 weeks working on these books.
Each student or pair had to make their own handmade illustrations which was very time consuming. Students even had the option to dress up as characters from their books for extra credit. The stories all had to have a good theme to it, some did good hygiene, while others did kindness related themes, and some even wrote about their own personal disabilities like hearing aids.
There were characters like princesses, Coca-Cola, dragons, etc. Mrs. Hammel has been doing these stories since approximately her 6th year teaching, maybe even before. The kids always love seeing their peers read to them, so this is definitely a great project Mrs. Hammel does. All of the students did very well!