The Polar Express, released in 2004, follows the story of a non believer on Christmas Eve, who suddenly has a train in front of his house to take him to the North Pole. He and his friends go on a long journey with many setbacks, as they try to make it in time to watch Santa give out the first gift of Christmas.
I might be slightly biased about this movie, but this is my all time favorite Christmas movie. The animation is questionable, but since it was created in 2004 I’m not all that worried about it. The songs in this movie are top notch. The Hot Chocolate song is a staple of Christmas to me because the perfect night in December has warm brownies, hot chocolate, and the Polar Express.
I rate this movie a 9/10, and if you haven’t seen it yet, I highly recommend this movie.
If you have any suggestions, please email me.