Legally Blonde, released in 2001 starring Reese Witherspoon, follows the life of Elle Woods, a fashion major and sorority president.
After she gets broken up with for “being too blonde,” she decides to get her boyfriend back by following him to Harvard Law School. As she works hard to pass law school, she finds herself and realizes that she doesn’t need her ex-boyfriend and does things herself. In the end, she helps solve a murder case and becomes valedictorian of her class.
This movie is a classic, reminding girls all over the world that they can be strong business women and lawyers all while wearing pink and being girly. It also reminds young girls that they can do anything a man can do, and sometimes be even better than them.
For this movie, I give it a 10/10, the comedy and romance factors of the movie make it not only informative and motivational, but an enjoyable watch and truly really funny.