Chester High School held a Freshman Preview Night, on Monday, March 10th, to inform and excite the current 8th graders about becoming a Freshman next year and what to expect.
The night started with CHS Principal, Mr. Blechle, introducing and welcoming the parents and students. He then spoke about his role and what he does as our principal. Blechle proceeded to introduce Superintendent, Mrs. Briggs, and what she’s done for our school. Next, he presented Vice Principal, Mrs. Barton, to explain the attendance and behavior policy. Mrs. Stegmann, curriculum director, described how she handles the data and testing of both students and staff. Afterward, Mr. Blechle introduced Mrs. Ketterer, CHS’s Special Education Director, Ms. Vahling, CHS’s new student counselor, and Coach Cartwright, the athletic director. Cartwright spoke about the IHSA competitions. The school guidance counselor, Mrs. Hawkins, who controls scheduling, scholarships, grants, and academic counseling, explained the graduation requirements and her experience in the field. Mr. Bleche then closed the ceremony by explaining youndrs.
Students and parents were offered snacks and drinks. The CHS clubs, sports, and academic departments set up tables for the students to look at and explore their options.