Members of FCA from Chester High School went to the FCA Guys Weekend of Champions, March 7-9. The members were Noah Homan (Senior), Jakob Stueve (Junior), Morgan Miers (Junior), and Kendall Krieg (Freshman).
Friday after school, the four students met at Grace Church and departed to the Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville IL. When arriving at the camp, they were divided into their rooms and given a FCA shirt and an Athlete Bible. They were then sent to the brotherhood hall for the camp introduction and worship time. After worship time, we all met our roommates and were sent on a scavenger hunt. When the hunt ended, we all met back up at the brotherhood center for more worship.
Saturday started with an optional Nature walk. After that, we did stretches, prayed and went to breakfast. We were sent back to the brotherhood hall to be told about the activities we would be doing during the day. The day was full of games such as kickball, flag football, camp ball, tiger ball, and nuke ball. After half a day of games, we all had a meeting with our huddles in the brotherhood center before we were sent to lunch. Lunch was just like breakfast in the form of a buffet. After lunch, we played more games until it was time for announcements, worship, and preaching. We had free time for an hour where we could play games, be on our phones, or do whatever we wanted. We had more worship time and then announcements, during the announcements we found out that our dodgeball tournament was canceled and we were given the rest of the night as free time. We all gathered in the welcome area, and continued to play games. The camp administrator came into the welcome area and told us it was lights out.
Sunday morning, started with an optional nature walk and breakfast just like Saturday. After breakfast, we packed our bags and went to the brotherhood hall. There was a relay race and then the camp championship game. The two teams with the most points played tiger ball to decide that winner. After the games, we had lunch and then one last camp teaching and then we were sent home. The last few minutes of the came were full of goodbyes and pictures before departing on the long car ride home.