Meet Mrs. Draves

October 25, 2019
Annette Draves, Chester High School paraprofessional and librarian, was born in East. St. Louis. At the age of four she moved to Ellis Grove, and when she was 16, she moved to Chester. She graduated from Chester High School with a 3.7 GPA. During her four years of high school, Mrs. Draves played volleyball.
“One thing I wish I could change would be that I wish I could have goneinto the military after I got out of high school,” she said. She went to Southeast Missouri State University and while Mrs. Draves was there she played competitive volleyball. She stayed competitive in the sport up until she was 40.
“I’ve been a paraprofessional for 21 years in Chester district,” said Mrs. Draves. One of the classes she works is pre-calc.
During her free time, she goes to her 10-year-old granddaughter’s sports events. She keeps her 1-1/2-year-old granddaughter 1 to 2 days a week. She also plays golf. Mrs. Draves has two cats that are rescued. She loves food. Mrs. Draves has been married for 33 years.
She said she wishes they had American Ninja Warriors when she was younger. Being 6 foot tall, she was able to do a lot of extraordinary things.
Her mom is Pat Montroy and her dad is Ray Tindall. She is related to the Swedish throne.