Scouts Serve Pancake Breakfast
Chester scouts held a pancake breakfast Jan. 25.
January 27, 2020
On Jan. 25, the local Cub Scout Pack 316, Scouts BSA Troops 347B and 347G, and the Venture Crew 305 helped serve the community in a major fundraising event simply known as the “Pancake Breakfast.” This event is one of the major events on the Scout calendar every year. We hosted this in St. John’s Parish Hall. In total sales, the breakfast had about 267 sales, which totaled out to somewhere in the neighborhood of $2500-$2800. The Scouts began working at 5:30 a.m. and didn’t stop until everything was torn down at 12:30 p.m. Several Scouts helped out from all sides of the dice. All in all, it was a very profitable and service-based event for the local Scouts. Thank you to everyone who helped make it the best Scout fundraiser in the 618!