Bake Sale At Trico Game
Mabry Miles and Ryn Petrowske helped with the Fellowship of Christian Athletes bake sale during the Chester-Carbondale game.
February 18, 2020
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) is an international non-profit ministry that’s mission is to lead young people to keep a growing relationship with Jesus. FCA was brought back to Chester High School this year and is continuously growing.
Two Wednesdays a month, a group of around 25 students meet in Mr. Cowan’s room for breakfast and worship. Not only is it a great way to start your morning, it also gives you a chance to openly discuss your faith and certain topics with your classmates.
The FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) hosted two bake sales during the basketball games on Feb. 11 and 16.
The one on the night of Feb. 11 made a total amount of $667 and the one on the 16th made a total of $833 at the end of the night. In total, both bake sales combined made exactly $1500 for FCA.
The money made from the bake sales will go to getting t-shirts for the members.