Tribute Honors 9-11, Afghan Heroes

September 13, 2021
Friday Nights. The one day of the week everyone looks forward to. Football, food, and cool weather bring everyone together. This Friday night hit a little bit closer to home.
With everything that has been happening overseas in Afghanistan over the past few weeks and the 20th year anniversary of 9/11 the next day, Kylie Fortner and her friends came up with a tribute to show military and first responders that they appreciate them like no other.
Kylie gathered 13 American flags. She then folded them and each flag had its own reserved chair. With each flag and chair, a paper with the name and picture of each servicemen was taped on the edge of it. The entire row was blocked off to show that each serviceman was to never be forgotten.
Emily Mehrer and Madi Kribs gathered together to get one other American flag and poles for the red line and blue line flags that Paige Thomas ordered for Kylie. They helped decorate the field and bleachers in red, white, and blue. The theme that was picked out for the weekend definitely did not disappoint and everyone was very proud to be a part of everything that happened.
When it was time for the coin toss to occur, Ryn Petrowske, recently graduated from United States Marine Corps Recruit Training and now an official United States Marine, walked out to the middle of the field to shake the hands of the refs and be present for the coin toss.
The Chester football team also carried flags onto the field.
Tyler Jones • Sep 14, 2021 at 10:08 am
9/11/01 was a very sad day for our nation. When the first tower fell New York City went into shock. Overall 9/11/21 was a very sad day for our nation.