Homecoming Court Named

Emma Bryant

Homecoming queen candidates are (front) Emma Eggemeyer, Alex Hennrich, Hannah Blechle, Paige Vasquez and Kailyn Absher. In the back are king candidates are Chance Mott, Brock Vasquez, Cooper Eggemeyer, Noah Wetzel and Jacob Cowell.

The 2021 Chester High School Homecoming court has been announced.

Queen candidates are Emma Eggemeyer, Alex Hennrich, Hannah Blechle, Paige Vasquez and Kailyn Absher.

King candidates are Chance Mott, Brock Vasquez, Cooper Eggemeyer, Noah Wetzel and Jacob Cowell.

The king coronation will be at 6:30 p.m. on Oct. 8 prior to the Chester-Decatur St. Teresa football game. The queen coronation will take place at halftime of the game.

The official homecoming dance has been postponed until a later date.
Hallways were decorated overt the weekend. The freshmen won, with the seniors second, juniors third and sophomores fourth.
Monday was ‘Merica Day, with students wearing red, white and blue.
Students and staff wore flannel for Timber Tuesday.
Western Wednesday encourages the donning of western and cowboy clothing.

Dressed for Western Day were Clayton Irose, Brock Vasquez, Kaden Freytag, Jerald Copple and Jacob Copple.
Dressed for Western Day — or robbing a stagecoach.

On Thursday, students will wear class colors and shirts. Thursday will also be the Homecoming games at the football field.