Six Selected Illinois State Scholars
Illinois State Scholars at Chester High School are Alyssa Seymour, Kaleb Rehmer, Kaitlyn Pfeiffer, Emma Bryant, Madi Kribs and Dylan Kelkhoff.
January 12, 2022
Every year, a select few students from high schools across Illinois are announced as State Scholars. Well, this year Chester High School’s Illinois State Scholar are:
Emma Bryant,
Madi Kribs,
Kaitlyn Pfeiffer,
Kaleb Rehmer,
Alyssa Seymour, and
Dylan Kelkhoff.
Here is a little bit of insight as to why each of these students are State Scholars:
Madi Kribs: “I am planning to attend SEMO this fall to pursue a degree in Nursing, with hopes of specializing in the Labor & Delivery or NICU field. I am currently involved in many extra curriculars at CHS, and also in the community, such as Student Council (president), NHS (vice president), FCA (Co-Leader), Varsity Cross Country and Track and Field, Spanish Club, the Academic Challenge team, and the Medical Explorers Program at Memorial Hospital. In my free time, I love spending time with friends and family and being outdoors!”
Emma Bryant: “ My name is Emma Elizabeth Bryant and I am the daughter of Eric and Tiffany Bryant and Alisha and Daniel Guethle. I am 17 years old and I am a very active student at Chester High School. I participate in scholar bowl, ACES, SADD (Students Against Destructive Decisions) art club, NHS (National Honors Society), Spanish club, and swing choir. I am also Vice President/philanthropy committee leader for Student council, president of GSA (gender sexuality alliance), president of Green Team, set crew manager for theater and editor of the STING. I am also working towards my Girl Scout Gold Award to make a community wide Gender Sexuality Alliance called TSP (totALLY safe place). I do all this, while working part time as a Walmart cashier associate. After high school, I intend to go to Farmington, Maine to get a bachelors degree in Actuarial Science, and to then become an Actuary.”
Kaitlyn Pfeiffer: “ I’m a senior in band and swing choir and I plan to go to SWIC to become an ultrasound technician.”
Kaleb Rehmer: “ I plan on going to SIUC for a bachelor’s degree in music. It’s always been my passion to create music through instruments of all sorts. I’ve used the tuba and my voice for years now, but I want to try something different. I’m willing to learn, and I can’t wait to explore my options. Being able to bring a smile to the face of a stranger is a great power to have, one that takes dedication and practice in order to make a reality. If I can put a smile on someone out there, that’s about all I ask for in life.”