Carnival Theme for CHS Homecoming
Homecoming queen candidates are (front row, from left) Addie Blechle, Kamryn Wingerter, Cara Childs, Shea Petrowske and Ryn Petrowske. King candidates are (back row, from left) Erik Cowell, Chett Andrews, Drake Bollman and Austin Schweizer and (inset) Jakob Cushman.
September 12, 2018
The theme for this year’s homecoming dance was announced as carnival. It will be put on by the student council on September 29. The dance starts at 7 p.m., with coronation at 8 p.m. Tickets will be available for purchasing starting on September 24. They will be $15 for one or $25 for two. Hurry and get them, because this year is going to be a great one! Also, make sure to cast your votes for Homecoming king and queen. The candidates are: Jakob Cushman, Drake Bollman, Erik Cowell, Chett Andrews, and Austin Schweizer for king, as well as Cara Childs, Kamryn Wingerter, Shea Petrowske, Adeline Blechle, and Ryn Petrowske for queen. As usual, the queen will be announced at the homecoming game on September 28, with the king then announced at the dance. Sesser-Valier is the homecoming opponent.
The Sting recently interviewed the homecoming royalty.
Jakob Cushman (S)
The Sting: What do you like to do beyond school?
Jakob Cushman: Chilling with some pals and playing B-ball
TS: What’s your favorite meme or joke?
JC: Honestly anything Mr. Spears said in my sophomore geometry class usually turned out to be funny and maybe a little unconventional, but let’s not get into that.
TS: Why do you think you were nominated?
JC: Hey, mistakes happen.
TS: What would you name your boat, if you had one?
JC: The Moist Mystery.
Drake Bollman (S)
The Sting: You win the lottery for 10 million. What’s the first thing you do, and why?
Drake Bollman: I am buying 9,345,794 McChickens from McDonald’s. (Yes, I actually did the math to figure that out.)
TS: If you were actually king of the school, what would you do?
DB: If I were king of the school, I would make all the classrooms warmer so we don’t get hypothermia.
Erik Cowell (S)
The Sting: You win the lottery for 10 million. What’s the first thing you do, and why?
Erik Cowell: Going to the Bahamas. I’ve always wanted to go.
TS: Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
EC: One horse-sized duck because horses are scary.
TS: What do you think is the most overrated movie?
EC: IT the remake
Cara Childs (S)
The Sting: You win the lottery for 10 million. What’s the first thing you do, and why?
Cara Childs: I would invest most of it or donate it but would also buy a lifetime supply of naked juice because I can’t live without it.
TS: If you were actually queen of the school, what would you do?
CC: Make lunch open campus and bring back the ice cream!
TS: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
CC: I’m a pretty happy person and find the best in things. I’d consider myself funny but some of the stuff I say you can’t take serious. I also care about others and try to make everyone happy.
Kamryn Wingerter (S)
The Sting: Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
Kamryn Wingerter: 1 horse-sized duck
TS: What do you think is the most overrated movie?
KW: 16 Candles
TS: If you were actually queen of the school, what would you do?
KW: I would have a period that was for napping and make phones allowed.
Shea Petrowske (S)
The Sting: You win the lottery for 10 million. What’s the first thing you do, and why?
Shea Petrowske: I would donate the majority of my winnings to the National Pediatric Cancer Foundation to make a difference in the lives of little ones battling cancer. The rest of the money would go towards purchasing a beach house because the beach is where I belong!
TS: If you were actually queen of the school, what would you do?
SP: If I was the Queen of Chester High School, I would have school start at a later time and put an end to standardized testing.
TS: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
SP: I would describe myself as a kind-hearted and genuine person. I like to make those around me happy and would do anything to help someone out. I am fun-loving and laugh a lot, especially when I’m around my friends. Occasionally, my sassy side makes an appearance. I am really passionate about the things I care about and strive to do my best in all that I do.
Chett “Chips” Andrews (J)
The Sting: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
Chett Andrews: I am smart and work hard in school. I also enjoy spending time with my friends and family.
TS: What would you name your boat, if you had one?
CA: Chips Ahoy
Austin Schweizer (J)
The Sting: You win the lottery for 10 million. What’s the first thing you do, and why?
Austin Schweizer: I would get my own place in Cape Girardeau, Mo., and start my own business for wood harvesting. That’s my goal.
TS: Would you rather fight 1 horse sized duck or 100 duck sized horses?
AS: I don’t want to fight them. That’s mean. We should respect animals.
TS: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
AS: I am a hard worker, I like chores, and I like to dance!
TS: If you were actually king of the school, what would you do?
AS: I would be nice to everyone.
Adeline Blechle (J)
The Sting: Would you rather fight 1 horse-sized duck or 100 duck-sized horses?
Adeline Blechle: 1 horse-sized duck for sure. I wouldn’t want to fight it, though. Maybe just keep it as a pet or something.
TS: If you were actually queen of the school, what would you do?
AB: I’d definitely want to offer more unique courses and give less homework. I would want the students to actually enjoy coming to school, instead of dreading it.
TS: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
AB: When people first meet me, they see me as the typical blonde cheerleader, but I don’t identify with that stereotype at all. I like to do what makes me happy and sometimes that doesn’t always follow the status quo. I don’t share the same interests as the typical teenager, but I don’t let that keep me from branching out and meeting new people. I try my best to be positive and accept everybody for who they truly are. Because nothing makes me more happy than seeing others be happy. Also, I love my family and my dog. They’re the best…that’s all.
Ryn Petrowske (J)
The Sting: What do you like to do beyond school?
Ryn Petrowske: Outside of school I enjoy playing softball and dancing for the CHS dance team. I spend my weekends laughing and making memories with my 14 best friends. Family nights with Reed, Blake, and Will are my favorites. Visiting my sister, brother-in-law, and niece in California will always be weeks well spent. Watching #36 on the football field will always hold a special place in my heart.
TS: Describe yourself in a small paragraph.
RP: I am adventurous, creative, and easy going. I love making people laugh and I am always down for a good time. I have a “do it right or don’t do it at all attitude”. I love spending time with the people I love.
TS: Why do you hope to win queen?
RP: I don’t hope to win because there is only room for one queen in the Petrowske house and my sister deserves it.