FCA Hears Speaker At April Meeting

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes met April 4.

Madi Kribs, Sting Reporter

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) met for their monthly meeting on April 4.
Members enjoyed breakfast pizza and doughnuts while listening to guest speaker, Eddie Sutton. Mr. Sutton provides support for FCA groups in the Metro East area. He shared a devotional about the Gospel and what its main components are. He hopes to be active in future meetings and be of support in any way we may need him. The FCA Organization offers a variety of summer camps, as well, and if you are interested talk to Mrs. Krieg.
FCA will be meeting on Tuesday, May 3, at Reid’s Harvest House for its closing gathering.
If you are interested in attending or joining FCA, contact Mr. Wente, Mrs. Krieg, Hannah Blechle, or Madi Kribs.
FCA is a great way to start your morning off on the right foot and we accept new members at every meeting!