Green Team Spruces Up CHS
Green Team members did some gardening around the school Sept. 28.
September 28, 2022
The CHS Green Team took a field trip day on Sep 28 to garden the front of the school.
Students dug out plants and tore out weeds in the two patches and the garden box out front to plant new plants and grass. This event was at the request of the district’s new superintendent, Mrs. Briggs. The certified butterfly garden on the side of the school will now be replaced with grass. The progress made so far has been the excavation of plants and weeds, removal of old bricks and rocks, and planting some new plants by the wheelchair accessible entrance near the cafeteria.
Students of the Green Team who worked on this project include Chelsea August, Toby Gercis, Will Welge, Mikayla Straight, Ace Smith, Ary Shipley, TJ Lyons, Kat Pierce, Elizabeth Wilson, Bianca Howard, Johanna Frazier, Ash Pfeiffer, David Sullivan, Trinity Jones, Olivia Vasquez, and Bobby Lyons.