Scholar Bowl Team Edged At Marissa
The varsity lost to Marissa 200-190.
January 17, 2023
The Chester High School Scholar Bowl team played an away game against the Marissa Scholar Bowl team on Jan. 9 at the Marissa High School.
The Chester junior varsity team won in a landslide with 220 to 80; the Chester varsity team played the second game losing by 10 points with 190 to 200. The junior varsity team had Cesar Marquez, Nico DeGuzman, Will Welge, Erin Liefer, and Ash Pfeiffer in play during the first game, they quickly took the lead in the first half of the game and continued building points up until the end of the first game. The varsity team had Chase Gilbert, Will Welge, Rylie McDonough, TJ Lyons, and Ash Pfeiffer, who trailed early, but pushed up towards a tie near the second half of the game.
There will be another road match against Wesclin on Jan. 17.