Ace’s Senior Wish List | What I Would Like To See Changed #2
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March 7, 2023
My time here at CHS has been a rough one, but I consider it to have changed me for the better. I’ve seen the people around me change as well as myself, and I don’t think that change is bad. So why am I prefacing this? I want to make it clear that change is not necessarily a bad thing. Things change all the time, from the trees to people you see. Anyone can change, no matter what point of life they are at. I truly believe that change is something that is always occurring; the one thing that doesn’t change is change. That being said, here is my second wish.
#2- My second wish is for change to occur for the better. That sentence is very vague, but let me elaborate. The school should never stay the same, from its students, policies, and staff. People learn all the time regardless of what age they are in life. Even I, a 17-year-old kid, am still learning how to be a better person every day. Shocker. Regardless, students and staff shouldn’t be afraid of the change that eventually will come. It’s kind of like death in a morbid way. Death eventually comes and people inch closer to it in everyday situations. But like death, it’s inevitable and not necessarily a bad thing. It’s a natural occurrence that everyone goes through, like change. That being said, don’t live life too safe. Of course, I’m not encouraging anyone to go and do something risky because it’s inevitable. Life is still worth living for everyone and that comes with cherishing life. What I mean by “don’t live life too safe” is don’t be afraid to go for that interview for a job or go skydiving with friends if they are going. People should take risks to better themselves because they’ll never know if they will have that chance again. If anyone takes anything from my little talk of today, it’s that the only thing that does not change is change. Don’t be afraid to find out what the next thing is, and always keep searching for better ways to be better.