Five Sting Staffers Advance To State
bethany Baughman, Haley Hoskin & Aden McFarland
Sting staffers at the IHSA State Journalism contest were Kerringtyn Malley, Aden McFarland, Haley Hoskin, Clayton Andrews and Bethany Baughman.
April 11, 2023
On April 1, the IHSA hosted its sixteenth annual Journalism sectional events in Illinois. The top 3 winners from each section qualified for IHSA State contest, while 4th, 5th, and 6th place finishers are alternates in case one of the top 3 cannot compete at state.
The online competition had 10 Sting staff members place in the Section 2 Sectional. Senior Kerringtyn Malley placed third in Advertising. She also qualified for state last year as a junior. Senior Clayton Andrews is also going to state after placing third in sports writing. Juniors Haley Hoskin, Bethany Baughman and Aden McFarland placed third for TV News and also qualified for state finals.
Ace Smith and Chelsea August placed 4th and qualified as 1st state alternates in Editorial Writing and Yearbook Caption Writing respectively. Mikayla Straight took fifth in review writing. Placing sixth were Ace Smith for News Writing, Isaiah Ferrell for Infographics, and Julia Venus for Editorial Cartooning.
State qualifiers from the Sting will be competing in the IHSA State Finals April 21 at Heartland Community College in Bloomington.
The five competitors and three events are the most entrants CHS has sent to the state contest.