This week’s animal is Ms. Carrol’s mice Thelma and Louise.
Thelma is the light-colored one and the dark-colored one is named Louise.
Ms. Carrol got the names from an old movie and they are about a year old. She got the mice because she used to breed mice for local pet shops. Once her last mouse died, she didn’t have any mice for a long amount of time to focus on other things but she missed how soft they were. She also missed watching them run on their little wheels. So, she got two more but wasn’t allowed to have them in her house. So she asked the school if she could keep them at school as class pets. So, over Christmas break last year, she drove 2 hours to find a PetCo that sold female mice, and since she didn’t like any of the white ones she got the only other two that were left. If you get a chance go by Mrs. Carroll ‘s room and say hi to Thelma and Louise.