Here is the winter final exam schedule. The campus will be an open campus, which means if you don’t have to take an exam you do not have to be on campus.
Semester Exam Exemption Policy
Student grade must be a minimum of an A-
No more than (1) or more unexcused absences
No more than (1) Out-of-school or (2) or more ACR’s
Have not violated the Academic Dishonesty policy
All three exam days will be open campus
– Students will NOT be allowed into an exam after the tardy bell
– Students must stay in class the entire length of the exam period
– Exempt students should be marked present
– Students will need to enter through the main entrance after the 1st exam period of each day
– Make-up exams will be proctored in the media center
Math, Science, and English are the mandatory classes that will require everyone to take the exam regardless of grades.
Students who are studying or waiting on their next exam should report to the Professor Sharp Cafeteria. Since there will be final exams being given in the Professor Sharp Media Center, students are not permitted entry unless they have a scheduled final in that location. Buses will run on an early release schedule Monday – Wednesday.