NHS Promotes Christmas Spirit


Lauryn Vasquez, Parker Knippa and Ashtyn Jany raided the closet for Ugly Threads Thursday as part of the NHS Christmas Spirit Week.

Andy Bryant, Sting Reporter

The National Society is hosted their Christmas Spirit Week last week. Monday was “Holiday Movie Monday,” which means that you had to dress up as your favorite movie character.

On Monday, roughly 1% of the freshman class, 2% of the sophomore class, 2% of the junior class, none of the senior class, and 11% of the teachers participated.

Andy Bryant
Amber Essman and Emma Hathaway wore lighted clothing during Christmas Spirit Week.

Tuesday was “Twinkle Tuesday,” with students dressing up in lights and sparkles. On Tuesday, roughly 12% of the freshman class, 8% of the sophomore class, 5% of the junior class, 9% of the senior class, and 26% of the teachers participated.

Wednesday was “Whiteout Wednesday,” which meant that you had to dress as in all white, or as much white as possible. 18% of the freshman class, 17% of the sophomore class, 21% of the junior class, 18% of the senior class, and 26% of the teachers participated on Wednesday.

Thursday was “Ugly Threads Thursday,” which meant that you had to wear the ugliest Christmas Sweater in your closet. On Thursday, roughly 10% of the freshman class, 8% of the sophomore class, 12% of the junior class, 11% of the senior class, and 22% of the teachers participated.  

Friday is “Polar Express Pajama Day,” which is where students got to wear pajamas. On Friday roughly 10% of the freshman class, 8% of the sophomore class, 12% of the junior class, 11% of the senior class, and 13% of the teachers participated. Overall this week, roughly 13% of the freshman class, 11% of the sophomore class, 14% of the junior class, 12% of the senior class, and 20% of the teachers participated.