Mrs. Durbin’s 2nd hour Accounting 1 and 2 class took a field trip to SIUC to participate in the Annual Accounting Challenge on January 31st. There the students took a test on their knowledge of accounting and did a team building activity.
They started the day by getting on the bus and going to the SIUC Rec center where they had breakfast and were given shirts for this event. Soon after this they were given the test which didn’t take long at all. Once the test was finished, they completed a team building activity which all people at the event participated in. The goal was to create a hat out of a poster board, a folder, two pieces of tape, and a piece of string that would be as tall as possible while being able to stay on your head. Sadly, they did not take first place in this activity but they tried their best! After finishing this activity, they were fed Domino’s pizza for lunch. The class left the Rec center after eating and went to Sonic down the road to get drinks and food if they wanted. After getting Sonic, they all got back on the bus to come back to the school.
This was a really fun day for Mrs. Durbin’s Accounting class and they can’t wait to hopefully do it again next year!