Homecoming Candidates Announced
Sept. 30-Oct. 5
Homecoming queen and princess candidates are (front row) Adeline Blechle, Ashtyn Jany, Josie Kattenbraker, Cierra Creason and Amelia Shemonic. In the back are king and prince candidates Hayden Gendron, Chett Andrews, Gage Garniss and Chris Schwier. In the inset is king candidate Ethan Bert.
September 25, 2019
Homecoming is now less than 2 weeks away! Congratulations to all 2019 homecoming candidates!
The 2019 queen candidates are:
Seniors – Adeline Blechle, Ashtyn Jany, and Cierra Creason
Juniors – Amelia Shemonic and Josie Kattenbraker.
The 2019 king candidates are:
Seniors – Chett Andrews, Ethan Bert, and Chris Schweir
Juniors – Hayden Genderon and Gage Garniss
The homecoming week dress up days are:
Monday – Merica Monday
Tuesday – Class Color Day
Wednesday – Favorite Iconic Figure Day
Thursday – Decades Day
Friday – Black & Orange Out
The class games will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 1. Game sign ups will be located in the cafeteria
Homecoming week is Monday, Sept. 30, through Friday, Oct. 4.
The dance is on Saturday, Oct. 5. A
Tuesday, Oct. 1, will be the class games and bonfire that night. Sign-ups for class games will be located on the back table in the cafeteria during lunch.
The Homecoming football game is Oct. 4 against Vienna.
The Homecoming theme for this year is “Dancing through the Decades.” Each class will be assigned a different decade to base its hallway and float off of. Seniors: 90’s, Juniors: 80’s, Sophomores: 70’s, Freshman: 60’s.
Each class will be judged on a hallway and banner display, along with a float in the parade.
Clayton • Sep 30, 2019 at 10:59 am
When can we vote for homecoming king&queen