“Breath of the Wild” Continues Legend


Brayden Ridings, Sting Reporter

The Legend of Zelda Breath of the Wild is considered to be one if not the greatest Zelda game created. 

A little runback on the Legend of Zelda series: 

Back in 1986 when Shigeru Mayamoto had extra money to spend after the first mario game was made, he started on a new project called  the Legend of Zelda, which Shigeru got inspiration from when he was a kid and always exploring caves and forests in his hometown. The game’s plot isn’t always the same, but the main part is that a hero named Link has to travel along the land and collect items to help beat the antagonist Ganon and save Princess Zelda.

 On the surface it sounds boring, but there’s so much more to it, like puzzle solving, combat, quests, and so much more. 

Breath of the Wild was the first game to come out on the Switch, selling 7.78 million copies; that is only second to Twilight Princess selling 8.85 million copies and it could beat that record in time. The plot of Breath of the Wild (skip  if you don’t want spoilers!) is that you are a champion named Link and you have been mortally wounded in battle and have been asleep for 100 years. After Zelda saves you from an ending blow, you wake up in the shrine of resurrection. After getting off the great plateau, you are supposed to go and free all the divine beasts, defeat Ganon and save Princess Zelda. But the thing that is amazing about this game is that you have a choice. If you want to kill Ganon off the bat, go for it; if you want to 100% the game, nothing’s stopping you. If you don’t want to save Zelda and just play, go for it; that is the beauty of this game. You can do want you want, when you want. A suggestion is that you give a Zelda game a try if you have never played one because who doesn’t like the freedom of choice.