CHS Goes Four Days A Week On Oct. 26


Lily Koch, Associate Editor

At its meeting on Oct. 15, the Chester CUSD #139 Board of Education decided that it was time to go back to almost full in-person instruction. At the end of the meeting they released the following information.
“As always, safety is the school’s number 1 priority. Like before, students will be screened as they enter the building and the bus. Students and staff will be required to wear masks while in the building. Social distancing will be followed to the best of the school’s ability, with the distance between students in most classes being approximately 2 to 4 feet. As always, students will have the ability to participate in remote learning.
START/DISMISSAL — Chester High School will start school at 7:50 a.m. and be dismissed at 12:50 p.m.
FULL WEEK — High school students will attend in-person classes Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday on a week with no holidays. Any students serving discipline may stay as late as 2:30 p.m. Wednesday will be used to bring in students who are struggling with classes. Wednesdays will NOT be used to make up days and will stay as remote days.
MEALS — Free meals are available for students until December 31st. High school students will be able to have breakfast between 10-11 a.m. Lunch will be a “grab and go” meal at 1 p.m. as students are dismissed.