GSA Starts


Emma Bryant, Editor

Carolyn Kish is the sponsor of the Gender Sexuality Alliance at CHS. She is looking forward to seeing many new and old faces this year! GSA is for any and all students who identify as apart of the LGBT+ community, along with allies. Everyone is welcome to join! Ms. Kish just wants there to be a safe place for students, so she gave that to them. Come to the meetings and see all the judgement disappear.

The club will meet bi-weekly on Thursday, after school. During meetings the club with have a “check-in” where students will answer a silly question, state their chosen name and pronouns, and tell their age. Students are also encouraged to talk about what goals they have and new ideas that they come up with, along with cool fence art!

The club hopes to see you at the meetings! If you have any questions, please contact the sponsor.