

Jordanna Frazer, Sting Reporter

Bullying, by definition, is repeated unwanted and aggressive behavior that involves a power imbalance. Verbal bullying is basically like calling someone names or threatening them. Social bullying has to do with trying to ruin someone’s reputation. Physical bullying is hurting someone physically or breaking, and taking, their possessions. Bullying not only harms the individual being bullied but also has lasting effects on the bully.
Twenty percent of students reported being bullied, which averages out to about one in five students being bullied. Kids bully each other for different reasons. Some might have been bullied in the past or even at home and have started taking out their feelings on their peers. Bullies might also be insecure about themselves and bully to feel powerful. Kids who tend to bully people have a high chance of engaging in violent behaviors as an adult. This can lead to them being abusive to their kids and partner or lead them down a path to drug and alcohol abuse.
Kids being bullied have a greater risk of depression and anxiety. You may see these students stop coming to school or their grades might drop. These kids are also at risk for self-harming and suicide. Some kids being bullied go to absolute extremes. You see this in cases of kids who become school shooters. When at school, teachers need to get involved in cases of bullying. Students who are found to be ‘snitching’ are at risk of being bullied even more. Some kids will keep quiet, being afraid of the torment that might ensue if they are caught telling on someone. Teachers standing by are just encouraging the behavior and showing kids they can get away with treating people like they do. This not only fails the student being bullied but also the bully. As the adults in these types of situations, you should be helping protect kids when they are in your care.
Some teachers are saying that they are seeing more bullying happening. If this is true then we need to put a stop to it. The school needs to be a safe place for all students. I mean we spend like eight hours a day here most of the week, at the very least students should feel comfortable and safe coming to school. If you see bullying, tell an adult. If you are an adult, put a stop to it as soon as you see it.
Source: https://www.stopbullying.gov/