

Emma Bryant, Editor

They are “high functioning,”
So, they realize what is going on,
They agreed to do it,
So, we justify.

What’s a little laughter?
They think they are laughed with,
If they don’t realize, Why does it matter?
So, we justify.

They don’t understand what is going on.
“They need the attention,
Since it’s lacked other places”
So, we justify.

We justify bullying people.
We justify taking away safe places.
We justify making fun of people.
But, it’s justified.

We continue to justify poor behavior.
We continue to justify why it’s acceptable.
We continue to justify hurting people.
But, it’s justified.

Why do we justify?
Is it helping the one we justify?
Is it helping the other person?
Or is it to make us feel better?

These people are the future
These people will be depended on
Will these people turn out alright?
Did we justify too much and lead ‘em astray?

How about the other person?
Did they cry themselves to sleep?
Or was it just another day to them?
Did they think we would protect them?

We justified to cover ourselves.
We justified because we laughed, too.
We justified because we’re at fault
Stop justifying.