Final Exams On Dec. 16-17


Finals exams will be held at Chester High School Dec. 16 and 17.
Both exam days are open campus. Students choosing to remain at school between exams are to report to the media center. If students leave and return, they must enter through the main entrance. Students are required to stay in their classes during the entire length of their exam; teachers will not dismiss students early, even if they have completed their exam. No breaks should be allowed during testing except in extreme circumstances. Any student who is late to an exam will not be given additional time to complete the exam.

Make-Up Exam Information
Make-up exams will apply to excused absences only. Unless an extreme illness that is verified with a doctor’s note occurs, students will need to have an Anticipated Absence Form on file in the main office 3 days before the start of final exams (December 15th).

Make-Up Time:
The time must be coordinated with the main office and your teacher.
All final exams must be completed before noon on January 3, 2022.

Semester Exam Policy
The complete semester exam policy can be found in the CHS student handbook.
As per Board Policy, failure to take a semester exam (“self-exempting”), will result in receiving an “F” as the final semester grade for the course.
Exemptions are available at the discretion of individual teachers. There is no longer an attendance criteria attached to exemptions, but students will be ineligible for exemptions if they have two or more ACRs, have one or more out-of-school suspension or have ever violated the school’s plagiarism policy.