Answer Me This

Emma Bryant, Editor

As children we are taught to not lie
that no one wants to be pals with a liar
So, we become more honest with age
Yet, we still don’t tell the whole truth,
We only give people half of what is accurate
Because well “you never asked”
But that is still considered lying

So, we become more honest with age
We stopped hiding our feelings and pain
We stopped making faces to please others
We stopped making things up and playing pretend
Now, we tell the blunt, cold truth
But now, the rules have changed?
Now, do we become less honest with age?

tell the truth about how you feel, than lie, right?
Being honest makes you negative
And lying is good? Because it protects people?
No one wanted to be friends with a liar?
But, now we are older so we are less honest?
We want people to like us and think we are cool
So we pretend again, just like we were little

But, don’t rake it too far,
Because then we are back at square one
But, who makes these rules and why?
Where is the line crossed and where is it not?
“Don’t be a liar! Be honest”
-7 years later-
“You gotta fake it to make it.”

Where is the ending?
Where is the solution?
Why can’t we just lie from the beginning?
Why can’t we just be honest from day 1?
It doesn’t make sense,
So why do we deal with it?