“Tuck Everlasting” Performance Highlights


Haley Hoskin, Sting Reporter

Tuck Everlasting performances were held March 17-19.
Tuck Everlasting is about a girl, Winnie, who falls in love with someone who is immortal. His name is Jesse. Winnie stumbles upon a spring that makes them immortal. There is also a stranger that is after the Tucks so that she can find the spring. Tuck Everlasting is adapted from a book by Natalie Babbitt.

Winnie played by Julia Venus: Winnie is the main character. She is sheltered and lives a quiet, comfortable life. She is a 16-year-old girl. She is innocent, yet strong and confident. At the beginning of the play, she is deliberating about running away to escape the stifling care of her grandmother, whom she believes pays her too much attention. She tells all of this to a toad. Though Winnie loses her nerve overnight because she’s afraid of being alone, she does decide to take a walk in her family’s wood. There, she meets a young man named Jesse drinking from a stream, and she’s immediately attracted to him.

Jesse Tuck played by Salem Heins: Jesse is Angus and Mae’s younger son. He’s 17 and Winnie is immediately attracted to him when she comes across him drinking from the stream in her family’s wood. Out of all the Tucks, Jesse seems the most relieved to finally share the secret with Winnie. After he, Miles, and Mae tell Winnie their story, he suggests that life should be enjoyed and remarks that he’s seen all sorts of things and, because he’s immortal, will get to see much more. He shows off for her. He suggests to Winnie that when she grows up, she can drink the water and they get married.

Mae Tuck played by Emma Bryant: Mae is a kind, homely woman. She’s more than 100 years old because, 87 years before the start of the novel, she and her family unwittingly drank water from a magical brook that made them immortal.

Angus Tuck played by Noah Wetzel: Angus Tuck is Mae’s husband and the father of Jesse and Miles. He’s a sad and withdrawn man, which the narrator suggests is because he’s unhappy with his life as an immortal.

Miles Tuck played by Kaleb Rehmer: Miles is Tuck and Mae’s oldest son. He’s 22, strong, and works as a carpenter and a blacksmith. In the years after he and his family drank the water, Miles got married and had two children, one of whom was his daughter, Anna, and a son. After 20 years of marriage, Miles’s wife got suspicious because he never aged and ultimately left him, taking their children and eventually going west.

The Stranger in the Yellow Suit played by Kaci Trost: The Stranger in the Yellow Suit is the villain of the novel. He’s never named but is described as being in constant motion and moving like a marionette. He travels to Treegap from the west in search of the Tucks, whom he heard about from his grandmother, who knew Miles’s wife, and his mother. His mother played with Anna, Miles’s daughter, as a girl and told the man in the yellow suit stories about the family that never aged. He dedicates his life to finding them and when he discovers the Tucks with Winnie, he offers to bring them in on his business plan to sell the water to “deserving” people. The way he talks about this betrays that he’s extremely classist, as he suggests that the Tucks aren’t deserving people and refers to them as “illiterates” when he speaks to Winnie’s parents. He strikes a deal with Winnie’s grandmother to bring Winnie back in exchange for assuming ownership of the wood.

The Constable played by Nico DeGuzman: The chief law enforcement official in Treegap. He is a friendly and good-natured person who takes pride in his work.

Winnie’s grandmother played by Ary Shipley: Winnie’s grandmother. Though she’s proper and orderly, like Winnie’s mother, Granny is a bit more free-spirited and believes that the elves are responsible for the song she hears coming from the woods every once in a while.

The Voices played by Haley Hoskin: The voices are the narrators of the story who inform the audience of what has happened and what is happening.