Bullying Is Not The Path To Take

Malachi Greathouse, Sting Reporter

Bullying is NOT the path to take. When people get bullied, there is a lot of stuff that goes on.
I’m speaking for everyone who is getting bullied in school or who has been bullied in the past like me. I’ve been bullied my whole life. I’ve been called names and other stuff.
It started close to the end of my 7th grade year then stopped when I switched schools at the beginning of the 8th grade year. Then it started again this year (my senior year). Why? I don’t know. It could be because I’m not like everyone else. However, I know bullying; it’s not the best feeling. You don’t know what the other people have been going through. People could have a lot going on then they get bullied at school.
Sadly, people can go through so much in their lives and then come to school and have to deal with people bullying them for how they dress or look. People don’t see the meaning behind TREAT PEOPLE HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED. What that means to me is that, if you treat people with respect then they should treat you with respect. To some people, that goes in one ear and out the other. With me getting bullied, it doesn’t bother me because people can say stuff to me and I know what’s true and what’s not.
Also, I see it like this: If you don’t show it affects you then it will stop. That’s why most suicides happen: mental health problems; bullying or discrimination, including racism; different types of abuse, including domestic, sexual, or physical abuse; bereavement; and losing a loved one to suicide. People think it is okay to bully one another, but it’s not. I’ve lost my best friend from suicide and, honestly, suicide is not the answer.
People have so much to live for and so much to see in life, but people take their own lives because they’re getting bullied. People need to see the positive and stop putting hate in other people. All it’s doing is bringing people down, making people feel like they’re not good enough or not meant to be part of something. Positivity is the key to everything.
If you’re getting bullied, you need to take that negativity and turn it into something positive. You could try to listen to motivational speakers, if necessary, but don’t listen to negative people and what they have to say. Deep down you know it’s not true; you know the truth about yourself. Don’t let people tell you “you CAN’T do something” or “you’re NOT able to do something” because I can tell you “you CAN do something”; “you WILL be able to do something.” Also, you need to tell yourself that you can and you will and don’t listen to others and what they have to say. Everyone is perfect in their way. If you see people talking about you, let them talk because it’s not true and you know it’s not true. Let people say what they want to say about you. All they’re trying to do is bring you down. They want you at your lowest because they have nothing better to do. They think it’s funny when it’s not. It’s HARMFUL and NOT RIGHT. There is a difference between right to wrong and what I see people doing.
People shouldn’t have to deal with other people bullying them for how they dress, look, or walk. We are all different. We all should be treated equally, not differently. My favorite quote is “LET YOUR FAITH BE BIGGER THAN YOUR FEAR.” To me, the meaning of that quote is not to let your fear be bigger than what you believe in. Don’t trap yourself in a dark place because you’re being bullied. If someone tries to do that to you, try to find the lightness in that dark place because, honestly, there is a difference between light and dark. The light is your motivation, your positivity that you need, and people try to ruin that. Your darkness is the hate, the negativity that you should not let get to you. School is a place to learn, not a place to come and be hateful to one another and make them feel bad about themselves to where they are scared to come back. If you don’t show them that it affects you, then hopefully it will STOP because you’re showing them that you don’t care and it’s not bothering you. That’s what they want because it’s entertainment to them. The more you show it the more they are going to keep doing it. That’s not what you want, so don’t let it bother you; show them that it doesn’t bother you. Yes, this is going to take time. They won’t stop right away; it will take time.
I’m writing this to bring positivity into people and let people know how I handle bullying. Hopefully, it will help someone who needs it. Another reason for writing this is to try to STOP BULLYING because it is not right and there is no need for it. Hopefully, for whoever is reading this, this helps you and gives you the positivity that you need. Look at Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer. For example, he was bullied because his nose lit up red, but he didn’t let anything get to him and then it stopped once he led Santa’s sleigh.