My Feminine Rage

Julia Nicole Venus, Sting Reporter

I want to scream. I want to scream. I want to SCREAM. Until my lungs are filled with emptiness, I want to scream. To escape the nothingness, I want to scream. I want to scream without reprimand and without ceasing. Let me throw my fit cause I’ve been so silently seething. Let me scream and let me have my stumble. I want to watch all the patience I have start to crumble. I want to scream until my tongue falls out and my teeth are cracked and ruined. I want to scream and leave my image disillusioned. I want to scream until my brain bursts from the strain. I want to scream until I’ve popped all of my veins. I want to scream with a sonic wave of sound. I want my scream to horrify and astound. I want to scream from torment, anger and remorse. I want to scream at everything that led me to this course. I want to scream with passion, with all my fury and my rage. I want to scream to lose myself and completely disengage. I want to scream until I’m absolutely deaf. I want to scream until I’ve drawn my final breath. I want to scream until my vocal chords all snap. I want to scream until my lips are dry and chapped. I want to scream until my eyes pop out of my skull and my ears are forever ringing. I want to scream and cry until the pain feels positively stinging. I want to scream with fiery heat that burns my throat away. I want to scream a scream my mother can’t begin to downplay. I want to scream a scream that’s raw and twistedly guttural. I want to scream a scream that can never be interruptible. I want to scream because I’ve done quite enough crying. I want to scream because I’ve given up on trying.
I want to scream and cry and dance and die
Oh I really want to scream.