Tabletop Gaming Club Forms
Next session March 19
February 11, 2019
Back in October, a Tabletop Gaming Club was created here at Chester High School. The club started with a little over ten members back in October. As of the day this article was revised, there are around 20 members in the club. There are two groups participating in DND sessions. These groups are led by Eli Mokriakow and Kaleb Rehmer. The remaining members who are not a part of the DND sessions right now just hang around playing other board or card games.
There are a few things that make Tabletop Gaming Club unique. For example, they do not have an attendance requirement to remain in the club. Because of this, Tabletop’s leaders are understanding about people with busy schedules because a lot of the people in the club are rather busy. For example, a lot of the members of the club are in this year’s musical, Annie.
The next session is March 19.

Kaleb Rehmer serves as dungeonmaster for a game of D & D at the Tabletop Gaming Club meeting.