Album #1: Unheard by Hozier
Favorite Song: Wildflower and Barley ft. Allison Russell
Notes: A short EP by Hozier, “Unheard” is filled with nicely written indie songs featured on it. All of the songs on it were just perfection. I’m sure the majority of people know who Hozier is for his hit song, “Take Me to Church,” but his career expands much further than that one song. I highly recommend people listen to more of his expressive music.

Album #2: Petals to Thorns by d4vd
Favorite Song: You and I
Notes: D4vd is such an underrated artist, despite having two of his songs getting popular online. This album is just beautiful and I think he needs to be recognized more for his wonderful writing. He conveys great emotion in his music that definitely deserves more attention.

Album #3: Radical Optimism by Dua Lipa
Favorite Song: Whatcha Doing
Notes: Honestly, I am very surprised that I absolutely loved this album. I didn’t have high hopes for it, not because Dua Lipa is a bad artist or anything, she’s a wonderful singer, this just isn’t my type of music. That being said, I actually enjoyed this album, and I didn’t hate any of the songs on it, I actually struggled picking a favorite. This was a great pop album that even I enjoyed, and I highly recommend it.