Positive Quote of the Day

Juan Welge, Jr., Sting Reporter

Life isn’t the best thing in the world for some people.

People see life as a type of prison, a nightmare, heck.

But, some people see it as beauty for people to successfully live to the whole. But, I see it as both.

Honestly, I see life as an illusion to live in, but it is also a beauty to explore; to enjoy what the world can show us. We just have to look on the bright side of life.

There are people these days that will make life challenging for us to handle; like that irritating boss that you work for. That annoying co-worker you are partnered up with or, that one fat dude who was eating a burger and almost crashed into you for not looking at the road. Maybe it is that annoying person online that doesn’t know when to shut their trap up.

These are the kinds of people that will make life difficult for all of us.

But, sometimes we have to overlook those obstacles and see the good that is in the world.

People may say stupid things like, “there is no good left in the world!” Or, ” you crazy dude, like there is any good in the world!”

Sadly, those are true.

It is very true. The good in the world had deteriorated into the wind; into the very ground in which we tread upon or the ocean in which we swim.

But, if you just take a second and look out to the good part of the beast, then perhaps you can find in your heart that the good still lingers on.

For those who wanted to kill themselves just because the world isn’t treating them fairly,  it doesn’t mean you have to end it all.

You still have another possibility.

You still have another choice to go for.

Just look into your heart for the second chance that you can find.

And think about the impact that will be put on those who still love you, who still care for you, and who accepted you. Those who made a change in our lives are those who we should not hurt dearly. They are someone we should hold close to us. Make the right decisions for them. Do the right thing. And don’t, don’t end your life.

There are people out there who can make a big impact on us all, and we are just too blind to even see it. We cannot go to the dark end of the world. We must stay on the bring end or we are all going to fall like leaves in the winter. But we must stay strong, like the man who overcame death.